Friday, December 30, 2011

Sierra Drama Part 2

So, a little after the drama calmed down and everyone started to act normal. Then the worst happened: "Sierra's mom" came. Now why would her mom come telling US- a bunch 11 to 16 year olds- that she was in the hospital. Like why arent you with your daughter? As the nosey people we are, we went and spit out more questions than the crazy white detective on Law and Order: Criminal Intent.  She had the worst answers and excuses ever. I mean what mom brings a computer to the hospital while their child is dying. Seriously? By that time DC finally got some sense into that thing the call a noggin and realized she was faking. Sierra then comes acting like shes all shaky typike llllikk thiiissssss. It was so fake. Even Maureen (which i love for doing this) put the fail whale on her. LMFAO. Turns out Nicki's Sierra Plan was very accurate. She "dies". Pretends to be a mom. Admits she lied. Gets loved. Its all working out and yall are too blind to see it Sad....

Tell me what you think about the situation. Leave a comment or post in my NEW POST IN MAH BLOG topics.



Sierra drama Part 1

Today has been like having a real life soap opera, but Imma cut too the chase okay. So, earlier on new Years Eve Eve Kitty and a bunch of us were talking about old DC. Then somehow Sierra (Jazzysbackup) was like lets bring old DC back. Then Nicki told her she has no idea what old DC is like and she needs to shut up. Now Nicki was right to say that. Sierra was not apart of old DC. Trust me WE ALL KNEW THAT! So she flips out starts acting like a baby at their first sleepover and cries cries cries. Everyone is like just ignore her its not worth killing yourself. But its too latte shes already gone. People start crying and are like "OmG lik I hpe she int deAD". I knew she wasnt dead. How? Because one she has done this before. Two she has also threaten to cut and leave forever. She came back the next day people. Come on now DC. If someone cant even cut themselves,do you think they even have that mental capability to kill themselves? NO. Nicki even said what would happen if she turned out to be faking but yall just wouldnt listen.



                                               PART 2 WILL BE HERE SHORTLY

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jasi drama

Okay so yesterday the typical dram started with Jasi. AGAIN. Now usually people get mad at her for being annoying or a spoiled brat. This time she went to far. So (i don't know that many details of this part so forgive me if I'm wrong) Jasi I guess got voted for worst doll and flipped out with her firetruck and all. Cussing us out and saying that their are uglier dolls. Frankly, I see why she's mad, her mom spent $200 something dollars on this account and thinks she should wing MSW. But we all know that will be when pigs fly and hell freezes over. Everyone is like "OMG calm your tits" but she just keeps on firetruckin. By this point it just gets annoying and she is too. Then shes like "Which Jasi do you want? The nice or mean one". Stop right there. Do you ACTUALLY think this 10 year old spoiled brat can be NICE? I think not. Neither did anyone else. She was getting all pissy saying she was sick of our shit. She said we were mean to her for no reason. Really bitch really? WE WERE MEAN. How bout the time you told that boy his teeth wer "black and yellow"? Or when you laughed at the kid who tripped and fell? Or How you make fun of Jazzy? Do you know how many people you have hurt? And you call yourself a good Christian? Please...

Message to Jasi: 95% of us dont like you. I HIGHLY recommend you leave. It would do us all a favor.



Long time no write

Hey guys well i havent written in a while so Im gonna start back. Im gonna write about the drama in DC and say my opinion about it. Remember its not a slam, just the truth.



Friday, December 2, 2011


There's fresh, new drama in DC.
How fucking fun.
First, it was with Babemarielis, and her new slamblog. Alot of people got slammed, but tbh, they aren't very good, but if it hit a person the wrong way, it'd probably ruin their day.
Next, it was with DarkBites (Ashlee) & Maddy_Rae_99 (Maddy)
Apparently, Ashlee has a friend named Tiffy, and apparently that's what Maddy & Kennedi called Tiffany before she left.
Well, Ashlee preceded to call Maddy a dumbass for her comment and all hell broke loose in a topic that Ashlee made. It's probably the last thing DC needs, but What the hell, we're bored out of our minds and we sometimes need some entertainment.
Lmao, admit it.
Here's a picture of the topic:

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I hate this cutting spree in DC

I really do hate it that there's at least 10 or more people that cut in DC. I remember it when it was filled with happiness, unicorns, frexy llamas, pelvic thrusts, virtuals, awesome trolls, no slambloggers, etc.
But now, it's basically hell. All I see topics of is cutting, and I try and stop everyone of you.
Sometimes, it does work, other times not so much.
It's just so overwhelming for some people, they've considered leaving. I really do hate that all of you are damaging your wrists and that your life sucks ass.
I'm so sorry about that. It's not fair for you all.


Monday, November 21, 2011


No this isnt a reference to the evil villain off of PBS's Cyberchase. This is a reference to whats been going on in DC. Weve been having ppl getting hacked. It all started with Tiff then lizzybubblegum and Jay. Then recently Emma and I think Paulina. But the thing is WHO is hacking and WHY. I think it might be a group of people working together. I dont think one person is that smart to do this. Unless this was JoannaBG the infamous serial hacker. Doubt it. But doesnt hurt to try. Now the reason I think why theyre doing this is because they must wanna ruin this person and their reputation. Considering the things they do while on the account. They say rude things and act like a total bitch. Well, I guess we just have to find out.



Saturday, November 19, 2011

Well, Look who the fuck is 'back'.

So, Tiffany came back a couple days ago. Everyone thinks that's the truth.
The hell it's not.
You know that girl named Elle that watched over her account? That was her the whole entire time. And that hawttofu girl (or Abby)? Yeah, that was her too.
You all think she's actually back?
Hell no, she's been here since this whole 'Elle' girl popped up. She's read every single one of your posts about her- some bad, some good. Mostly bad, because all you guys did was say shit about her while she was gone. Don't try fucking  saying all of that "OMG TIFF I MISSED YOU SOO MUCH!" shit if you've said something bad about her, because she's seen it, and she'll totally hold it against you.
You know how Cleo's backup QueenCleopard was hacked?
That was Tiffany, acting as Abby, that hacked the account.
You know that Allyssa/ Almond girl that Kasey shared her account with?
That was Tiffany.
And you might think we're friends. Hell no, where the fuck have you been for the days I've been gone. I betrayed Tiffany, okay?
That's why I fucking left.
I was afraid she was going to call me a fat bitch, or other names.
She told me over chat that I was acting like Jalyssa, trying to earn her sympathy.
Honestly, I wasn't. There's something called having a good heart, and that's something she can't see. Just because I tell you I'm sorry for what I've done doesn't mean I'm trying to earn sympathy. It's called being friendly & forgiving.
You might ask how I learned about Tiffany saying she'd come back.
Well, it's from my lovely friend Clairence.
So, before I'd trust her again, I'd read the stuff above if I was you.
Btw, she did lie about her death, for attention.
Fuck you all and have a nice day,

Yeah, I left. D:

Yeah, I left SD a couple days ago and now, my bestfriend Clairence is watching over it while I'm gone. I'll be back on December 19th, which is exactly a month from now. Alot of things happened between me and someone that I betrayed, so I decided I got too caried away and then I decided to leave so I could get my head straight. Clairence told me even though have of you didn't realize I was gone (I expected that), you've been really nice to her. Thanks for that, you guys. I really do appreciate that. :D


Sunday, November 13, 2011

We've Moved

DC/SC has moved from soap-club to FoLife, a club made by Claire (MsMinty101). Well, I was talking to Cleo on chat, and i asked her if she knew we had left SC. Cleo didn't know, so she came to FL (FoLife) and raised hell about how she wasn't going to be under Claire's rule. She said "The only reason why is because drama will happen, and I will make fun of it, and then Claire will get annoyed and ban me, and I'll be sitting on the outside while you guys live it up in his club." so, she then declared that she was staying in SC. A couple people left with her, but now FL is back to the peace and calm it was.
But now, new drama is arising.
BabeMarielis's pres says she's Tiffany and that she hasn't gone soft, she faked her death for attention (I already knew she wasn't dead, but I didn't know it was for attention), and that she knew who hacked her backup. We don't know if it's true or not, but I believe it's her because this is something Tiff would do.

PS: Here's BabeMarielis' pres:

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Alot of shit has went on since the last time I blogged. DC was shut down, but we migrated to a place called soap-club, and ever since we have, the drama has been flowing. First, Cleo, Jalyssa, & Ali all had a big fight with Tiffany, and so that resulted in Ali & Jalyssa cutting themselves on TC. Then, Violet came back, and told us she had been cutting. Everyone was shocked. Then, a week later, Ali & Jalyssa got into ANOTHER fight with Tiffany, which ended up with Tiffany attempting suicide by ODing (overdosing on pills). Then, the next day, Tiffany told us her main (it's divikur101) and told us that she was in the hostpital because of ODing. Then, a week after that, Jalyssa made Sawyer cut herself on TC, too. A few days after that, which was last night, Ali & Tiffany got into a fight on TC, which ended up with Tiffany commiting suicide once again. We know that she's in critical condition, and might not make it, thanks to her bestfriend making a Witty post about it. As of right now, Tiffany hasn't died, just in critical condition. Whenever we know what happens, I'll edit this post.

P.S: Here's the Witty post:

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Well, it seems Tiffany's (aka StardollGossip.) good looks are fake. It turns out that she used pictures from a model named Meggy Grace D'Arcy. And do you know who pointed this out? None other than Ivontka (aka Madi). Well, I really don't know how to explain it. Here, this is SG's Dailybooth:
And here's the pictures from Madi's topic:
If you compare the two, pictures from SG's Dailybooth are the EXACT ones from Madi's Tinypic pictures. I'm Tiffany's friend and all, but I'm shocked by this. Honestly, when I looked at the pictures, my heart stopped. I really don't know what to say, but yeah.

P.S: Here's Madi's topic about it:
P.P.S: SG lied about being pregnant and admitted that the photos were fake, just so that we would fall for it. Here's the topic:

Monday, October 10, 2011


It is about awkwardness and stuff. It'll be good trust me! I will keep on with this blog so dont fret



Taco Bell Saves Lives







Copyright © 2011 Ragestache

Do you guys dislike Maci/Emma?Bell/whatever the fuck your name is ?

Because a lot of yall stick up for her and act all buddy-buddy with her but yesterday Hannah (pumpkinpie9x8x) said she didnt like he and I saw the true colors of some of yall. 98% of yall were agreeing with Hannah and stuff but usually I see Maci always having some back up on her. Not this time. So if you dislike someone but dont feel the need to say it thats fine. But dont act all buddy-buddy with the bitch.



Sunday, October 9, 2011

Can you feel the HATE tonight?

DC started out as a normal quiet Sunday evening until Lucy came. Now I am not getting mad at Lucy for this shit but it is what is. So Lucy came and made a topic wondering how many people hated her after she posted who she hated a while back. I asked Lucy who ad why she hated them but she wanted to keep her mouth closed this time so I just let it go. But then one girl she hated set her over the edge in this topic:  (If you need help figuring out who it is, its the bitchiest one out of all of them)

If you observe you see Lucy is doing her best trying to keep cool but then she blows her top off in this topic right here:

Everybody was really happy that Lucy did that to Katy (Arizona199) cause frankly no one liked the bitch. Then it kinda got outta hand. People decided they werent gonna stand for Katy's bitchiness and that she had to go. Well she eventually did. To be honest, I kinda felt sorry for the bitch once all the topics were about her and slamming her cause no one really deserves ALL of that. Then one hate topic was just too much and showed us that this needed to stop

Jazzy's topic:

Now when I saw this topic I just couldnt believe it. This girl has the nerve to say everyone hates Katy when she isnt very liked that much herself. I mean what has she done to you. NOTHING! So just back off. By that point Katy knew it was time to go and did the best thing and left. So the lesson for today is to not be a bbitch or you'll get severly hated. :)




Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well, it turns out that DeleteDC was torri896 this whole time. According to LindsyLady1999, Emma (maci_123) told her that Torri was DeleteDC and that she had held it back this whole time. I honestly think she might be lying this whole time, but who knows? Torri logged out right before this happened, so do you think anything's fishy with that? Keep on thinking, bloggers.

P.S: Here's the topic:

I like these graphics that Maddie is making.

This is the graphic Maddie made me. I really like it, alot. Her graphic blog is: You can ask her for one there or in DC or in her GB.


Pregnant lies.

So lately people of DC have been saying that they are pregnant. Now what the fuck? You bitches are like 13-16 years old. Having sex. Some of yall arent even saying your pregnant, just saying your doing it. Did we need to know that? Last time I checked I really could care less about the poor choices you have made and I dont appreciate you flaunting it in my face like a piece of meat. The girls who say they are pregnant are saying it like its nothing. Theyre happy. Fuck off bitch. You know im talking about you. I doubt youre even pregnant because most pregnant girls get kicked out or yelled at by their parents. But you sitting up here saying its a joy and the whole world is on your side is a lie. Fudge...



Battle of the Bitches: Nicki vs Kennedi (Part 2)

So as you previously heard about the battle that started between Nicki and Kennedi but heres when the war started:

After at least 3 pages of hate, crying and blood Nicki pushed it over the edge when she revealed Kennedi's shameful secret: She cuts. Now I know some people might have think that Nicki was trying to help Kennedi but really? I know Nicki and she did it to make Kennedi mad just so she could "reveal" how Kennedi  REALLY is. Now in all fairness I dont think Nicki shouldve did that. I mean its her secret not yours so just shut up. Then Nicki has the nerve to make topic saying IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN!! Bitch shut the fuck up. The shit aint that funny. By that time she was gettiing on everyone's nerve and it was just time for the bitch to leave. Maybe she should die. JK



Battle of the Bitches: Nicki vs Kennedi (Part 1)

Okay so the battle started last night when Nicki brought back up Kennedi's topic about her confessing about not being pregnant. Kennedi got mad and told Nicki to die. Now before I start I would just like to remind you that KENNEDI said THIS. Bitch what the absolute fuck? I mean you overreacted when Ava told her to die. Now you tell others to die. Smfh. I dont really see why Kennedi got mad about her boosting the topic. Oh wait, I forgot that Nicki also called her like a whore or something in the topic. But still, dont over react about it. She then called Nicki a backstabbing bitch and started to cry. REALLY?! Come on Kennedi, its not that big of an issue. I dont even know how this shit started. Fuck that cause this is just getting me all worked up



Yo bitches

Im back to bring you guys my rants and posts about DC. Im so glad I can now because my stupid ass pass couldnt be found but i found it now so STAY TUNED!



Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It turns out that MegaMe4ever, a.k.a Cleo, has been Alexa this whole time. This shocked and furiated many, including SG, Claire, Paulina, Caroline, and myself. The person who busted Cleo out was CookiessCream, a.k.a Jalyssa. She said "she couldn't handle it anymore" in a topic she made. Just_Boo was one of Cleo's troll accounts, so Just_Boo was Cleo this whole time. Cleo, it was good while it lasted, but I guess either the poser, the post about me, or the post about the poser and the fact you thought Chloe was the poser, set DC off into a mad fury. If you think Jalyssa did the wrong thing, actually she didn't. She did the right thing and mad Cleo grow a pair and own up to being "Alexa". After all of this drama, everyone started making confessions, and one caught everyone's eye: The confession that Kennedi was lying about the whole pregnancy thing. She said that " I got bored and did it. Cleo, no i didnt just have my first Boyfirend, i had my first kiss august 7,2011. I am not a sḷut like that.. Honestly if you knew me in real i'd be spazzing out and like , not proud and stuff.. ANyways.. i know ya'll hate me now. i can just tell it's commin go ahead and say what you want. I'll listen." which spawned a short-lived fight with Emilee. So, tonight & the next few days, DC won't be the same.

P.S: Here's the topic about Kennedi:
and the topic about Cleo:       

Oh. My. God.

Well, we just learned last night that Tiffany (a.k.a Stardoll Gossip) is possibly pregnant. She said that she had taken a test, and it came back positive. But when many people kept on asking if she was positive, she said she was going to take another test, but that she was 99.9% sure that she was indeed carrying her ex's child. And when gingertoontown (the bitch everyone hates) said "Theres this thing called protection." SG responded by saying "There's this thing called it breaking." SG, I really hope your aren't trying to fuck with DC, because if you do, you'll end up like Emilee and Chloe. But if you aren't, I hope, wait, I know that kid isn't gonna be ugly, it's gonna be prettier than shit. I hope that you aren't pregnant, but if you are, then congratulations on the baby.

P.S: Here's the topic in which she reveals she's pregnant:

Monday, October 3, 2011

So, My Guess About Alexa Was Wrong,

But who gives a shit anyways? I think I may have fount out who it is, just by reading one of Juju's blog posts. The same old [Blank Blank], eh? I'm on your case, Alexa, and like I said in the last post, right now, I really don't give a shit if you slam me or not.

P.S: This is what Juju said to make me think it is who I think it is: No offense to her, but I wasn't THAT surprised. She thought I would think different of her or something, but she's just the same old [BLANKITY BLANK] to me.
After reading this, one person comes into your mind, huh?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Alexa, Alexa, Alexa

Honestly, I think you are trying to copy SG. Saying she's soft? Lawl, like I haven't seen that a million times already. And saying she's a cruel bitch cause she talks about other people? Hypocrite alert. Face it, the only reason why you're getting hype in DC is because everyone's talking about your oh-so great slams and trying to figure out who you are. Actually, I've seen better. And you think no one knows who you are? Well, everybody's catching on, hun. I've got a suspicition too, and I'll say it right here, right now. I know gingertoontown is you. Trust me, the only great slam blogger will be SG. And I really don't give a crap if you slam me cause it's just the Internet and I've had more major drama go on this week than DC sees in a whole month.
PS: And here's the reason why I think gingertoontown is you:

Sunday, August 21, 2011


We have finally reached 1,000 views!! Thank you guys who've been reading this!!!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

My Blog Review: The Real Stardoll

Im pretty sure by now you have heard of this blog by Kindly. Now before I start I would like to apologize to Kindly because I was gonna get my contributors to add there own opinion but they werent available. But my opinion is surely enough.

So a girl by the name of "Kindly" has been slamming or blogging about DC for about 2-3 weeks. A lot of people didnt like the blog from the start. But I was in love with it. I even bookmarked it. I love how she tells the truth of DC and she even inspired me to make this blog you are reading right now! I still am in love with her blog but it has been going a little slow for the past couple of days. I am glad she came out with a new post like 10 minutes ago. It was heartfelt and brought back numerous of memories. Thank you Kindly! I suggest you follow this blog. You might not like it but people have done way worse.

Link to blog:



soo tired...

ok first of all, noobs quit freaking out DC getting "deleted". it's not gonna happen. and you aren't that attatched to DC anyway. DC is my freakin home for crying out loud!!! anyway, yuss people are getting banned but it is of their own doing. it isn't like SD will ban you for no reason. So chill your peaches, and take a chill pill.

second of all, thanks to all of our readers. we really appreciate you guys reading our blog. Thanks to all of the veiwers in Ireland. My homeland babes! and Thanks to our veiwers in Germany! may i say, DANKE!!!


My Blog Review: A Doll's Life

Okay so recently I found out about this blog made by Stacy (Stan88) and its really good! . I found it very informative and entertaining. I was singing to that playlist too lol. I strongly recommend you follow this blog. Btw I am a author so you'll be seeing my posts on there often. See ya!


WE'RE ALMOST AT 1000 VIEWS! We even have viewers from Germany and Ireland lol. I love it. Thanks you guys!

Is DC coming to a close?

Many people have been saying that DC will be deleted in just a matter of weeks because of the new sponsored clubs. Like Rebecca Bonbon (ew), Monte Carlo (dead to everyone), and Disney Lounge (ugh wtf?). But is that the only thing that will stop DC in its tracks....?

So lately a person by the name of  DCDestroyer came to try to ban us all. You know the story. So this chick is deleting us and boasting about herself in her blog: . First of all this bitch needs to get off her fuckin high horse and stop acting like shes awesome and shit. She hates us really badly. But yet she cant get on her real account and just tell us she despises us very much. I would like that a lot better. Second of all, she needs to stop acting all innocent like she did nothing and its all our faults. You're banning people for being bitches yet you're acting like one towards us. Interesting... Lastly, she just needs to get a fuckin life. Torturing people on the Internet is just a sad, pathetic cry for attention. She bans peoples posts. Wow... don't you have friends to go play with? Get a job, friends, whatever the fuck that can you keep you unoccupied from this load of bull shit.

We have no idea who she is. SG thought it was Orchid for very good reasons. Tori896 (sp?) thought it was StayingPenelopy, and some other weird ass chick thought it was Maci or Emma. This chick could even be someone outside of DC only trying to ruin us. Whoever it is, we all need to make back up accounts. Just in Case. Mines: SuchAnEpicFail



So everyone's freaking out about people getting deleted.

Oh, boo hoo, go cry me a fucking river. Seriously, people, it's not the first time people have been deleted on Stardoll. Now, I know what your thinking, this is the work of DCDeletor. Well, it's not, bitch. Stardoll Staff, such as The Banning Bitch Mette, can delete people too. So, if you think it's DCDeletor, get your head out of your ass and think real for a second. It's virtual life, you can always make new accounts. Haha, I laugh at you dumbasses freaking out about the littleset shit.


Friday, August 19, 2011

you decide.

what should we write about cuz there isnt really that much going on in DC right now and i have writers block. so comment below. i'd love to hear what you think!!



here we go again with those i hate someone in DC or i love someone's dollie in DC. guys instead of waiting until they comment just fucking say it!!! it annoys the helll outta me!! and honestly, if you come out and say it ur not playing those little childish games!!! so just shut up about it or say it right away. my god!

and i must say to any one who actually reads my post, i am now addicted to Charlie Mcdonnell, doctor who (because of Charlie Mcdonnell) and fish custard (because of Charlie Mcdonnell). i will be the woman he has an affair with. if you don't know who he is, he is an awesome youtube with awesome videos.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

/blank title/

/blank post/

have you ever noticed....

that the dolls that promote stuff like parties and that new cut it game look nooby? no wonder the noobs think they look good. cuz they think that if they copy the images stardoll puts up, they are gonna look drop dead gorgeous. sorry, i don't now what to talk about. im just tired.


Miss DC?

Okay so this girl by the name of sarahglitter533 who is new to DC. I guess she felt unknown even though she is. So she made a topic sayin Vote 4. Miss DC and if you have seen the topic you will agree with what Im gonna say. Now 99.6% of the people who signed up for this stupid competition medolls were ugly. This might be mean but its so true. Second of all this whole idea is stupid. Its not real at all. Im laughing because its like for the rejects of MSW. Next, once someone won they supposively get to make the rules for DC. This bitch must be out her got damn mind. Rules? Really bitch really? I'm sure as hell not gonna follow those rules. Lastly this chick decides to do Miss DC over again. What the absolute [bleep]? Whatever this bull shit is making me mad. See yall later.




DAMN SHES A SEXY BITCH! Her name is Emilee and shes just a hot person. Im suprised she hasnt been CG. But Stardoll cant realize beauty if it bitch slapped them in the face. You guys need to take beauty tutorials from her I mean really. ISNT THIS SEXY:

The glitch makes it even frexier






Yea I thought it would be the time to change it. lol.If you want to voice your opinion on it comment below. THANK YOU!



Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Speak up!

A lot of yall dislike people in DC but dont have the courage to actually say it but theyll do it anonymously. This isnt directed to anyone personally but this is just directed to things that have happened. Thats why I started this blog out with saying who I am. Idgaf if people know about this blog. Hello! This blog has gotten over 600 views in under 3 days. ANYWAYS, many people in DC are two faced. They act one way to a person's face, but another when their back is turned. Like with Jeremiah. A lot of yall were freakin kissing his ring. But now that yall know what he looks like you guys shunned him. Wtf? Not all of you, but just some. Dont be rude about it. Just dont act like all buddy-buddy.



Well this is fun

I'm just waiting until this dcdeletion person try's me. Ima sit back with my popcorn and watch all the stupid ass noobs freak out. She is coming to you last cuz nobody gives two shits about you! And also can't we just make new accounts? This person won't get too far. We might not be the brightest people but we at least know how to make another account. Your mission will fail. Yay!!!! Failure!


To be honest,

I just read DCDeletion's blog and the hints she gave for the next victim sounds like me. I think Im intellectual, Im 13, Im rude (sometimes), and thats it. Plus I did ask "How can she possibly ban people?". So i guess will just wait and see. If it is me then my back up account is SuchAnEpicFail.



#1 Fan!! lol

Okay so a girl by the name of Hiba (Unknowngirl1) has loved this blog from the absolute beginning.She is a really sweet girl just by talking to her. Im so happy we even HAVE fans! So thank you Hiba for being our #1 and thanks to everyone who is a fan!!

Hips Hibster



This she-devil is getting on mah last fuckin nerves and I havent even known her that long. So first she lied about shooting herself or something. Then she confessed and was like "Im not perfect we're all God's children bla bla bla". Of course no one believes her and gets mad at her.

Next she tells SassyMamma11 to go shoot herself. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Hmm, and she calls herself a Christian. Who knew they could put such a big package of bull shit in one person? This bitch needs to take everyones advice and get the fuck out. It could save all of us some time. She needs to save that drama for soap operas.




Comment below what you would like for us to discuss in a post for tomorrow.

Ask the authors!

So for the next two days you can ask the authors (Bailey, Mikayla, and moi). No innapropiate questions like TITS OR GTFO. No hateful ones either. So post your question below in the comment section.


Thank you mah fans for everything. Over 500 views in under two days. AWESOME!!



From Anna

Hello people odor the blogging world this is Anna speaking and I have something to say! Right now I am sitting and having tea with your amazing fellow blogger MIKAYLA and the reason it is in all caps is because this girl is absolutely amazing I swear to god if your ever going to listen to any blog listen to this! And not to any of those other hater-bitch-women who think they know what there talking about but they honestly don't we give the honest truth so listen carefully..........

We are the lovers who give the world meaning, we care and we give action so follow they herd and together we'll make dreams come true...


Anna banana wanted to talk to you guys! She's awesome. Anywho, I don't have anything to rant about right now. So,

Ok, so why is everyone hating on StardollGossip. lately?

I mean, c'mon. You have to admit that StardollGossip. is pretty cool.
I'm not being an ass kisser, but there's no reason to hate on her. (Cough, Cough, kittyhero) Ok, so she may have said some shit to you that might have made you mad. THAT'S HER JOB, you dumbass. Most of the population of DC ACTUALLY like her. If she's hated on or whatever, someone (mostly populars) stands up for her. All I have to say is, "If you have nothing nice to say, get the fuck out."


So I'm Hur...

Hey,  this is Bailey and I'm here to write for this blog. Don't get your painties up in a bunch if I post about you. The truth hurts, bbz. And like Brooke said, we're here to speak the truth, not slam. So if you say i'm slamming you, be expecting a kick in the nards.

Bailey (d.a.w.n and FrexyAlice)

Weight topics

Lately a lot of people have been asking "AM I FAT?!". Its one of the oldest questions in the book. These people are asking it so much to the point you just wanna scream out "YES YOU ARE GET YOUR BUTT ON A FUCKIN TREADMILL!!". But I'm too nice to say that :shiftyeyes: . I have seen at least 15 of those topics that have to deal with their weight in the last 2 hours. Can DC be anymore unoriginal? If you think you are fat then go to the gym. Dont tell us your height, weight, and age. This is not the Dr. Oz show. Instead just ask what excersise to do and how long to do it. And to all of you fat stick bitches: Stop asking if your fat when you almost weigh the size of a toothpick. You bitches know good and well you arent fat. Some of you guys even post pictures of yourself and you turn out to be like a size -100. Dont ask if you already know the answer. Bitch.


Okay so yesterday I made a post about this chick and what she was gonna do. Many of you guys call her a wannabe StardollGossip, but she is doing WAY worse damage. So this morning I went to go check on all the blogs Im interested in and I went to hers. I noticed she had a new post so I thought it was gonna be some rant or slam. Turns out this bitch got someone banned. Now the first thing that came to mind was: How the FUCK did this girl do that?! I mean seriously, that seems like too much work to even follow through on. I think that this will turn out to be a fail. Eventually she'll get tired and bored. But I really see no point in banning people. Deleting is way better. But it'll backfire on her



Kay so,

waht is up with all of these dirty virtuals lately? please ur sexual erges elsewhere. it annoys the hell outta me. i mean seriously, it's not cool, funny, or hot. it's actually perverted and gross. so shut up about it. if your gonna do that, do it in the privacy of ur fucking suite.


Miss Stardoll World

As everyone knows Miss Stardoll World is a competiton to see who's the ultimate covergirl basically. Its a stupid competition built up to be one amazing pageant. All these girls ask for votes and advertise but never make it. Why? Because Stardoll only chooses SS or girls who look like the total Covergirl. Ex; blonde hair, SS hair, blue eyes, tons of makeup, soft pink lips, etc. Its really unfair and I dont even participate in it like Mikayla said. Many of these chicks are like "AM I MSW WORTHY". People say no and they burt into a million virtual tears. I tried to do MSW last year but I wasnt picked like many others. And if you have seen the last MSW you can tell that she looks like a total Covergirl chick. So try if you want to. Idgaf. But dont burst into a million virtual tears if you dont even make it past the second round



LOL Brooke love the poll results./ fucking MSW time

hahaha. i honestly voted no. im friends with some of them like Lissy and Bip. Ya know, the nice ones. A lot of them Annoy me. Anywho, stfu about miss stardoll world. i don't run for it nor do i vote. it's a waste of time. you aren't gonna win. you have an even smaller chance than one in a million. so shut the hell up about it. nobody cares and they aren't gonna vote for your nooby ass. (Brooke, that was not directed at u. it was directed to all of the stupid ass noobs)


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So I caculated the results of the popular poll I had....

and most of you guys said the populars dont bother you. Thats quite a shock to be honest. When a lot of you complain about them or want to be them. But now that I think about it. Its probably the populars them self answering the polls. The ones who dislike them are probably the unknown or knowns. And the Who? is probably a newb.

Yes: 29%
No: 58%
Who: 5%
 I could care less about DC: 5%

Thats the kid of dude i was lookin for...

I sure do love blogging. it's fun. i can state the motha fuckin truth and people either get pissed or love me. I don't like ass kissers though. If u couldn't already tell. Ya wanna know how you can tell if ur a country girl? when you saw the name super bass you thought of the fish not the instrument. lol. Thanks all who are reading.


wow. ass kisser alert

no this isn't a hate blog as Brooke has said. the truth hurts hunny. a lot of people agree and tbh, everyone kissing cleo's ass is just stupid. i bet half of u didn't even read the thing! u'd probably agree! so shut up and let it go. ok. im done with my rant. it's just some people piss me off.


oh yuss im here

Mikaylala is finally here. i will post the truth and if you get offended it isn't my fault. there is a difference between slamming and speaking the truth. I'm sure as hell not kissing any asses.

Mikaylala (FrexyKitKat


Really bitch really? Youre sitting here at DC complaining about my blog. Then you say that I'm slamming you so everyone can throw a pity party for you. It wasnt a slam. Even SG said it wasnt a slam. How come you cant get that into your thick skull? It was my opinon. No scratch that. It was A LOT of people's opinion. A lot of people think you were Emilee's ass kisser. You were always there with her. Hand and foot. You even stuck up for her when she lied. WOW... Idgaf if yall were BFFs or whatever. Its the truth. If you cant realize that then you whatever. Doesnt even matter now. I just felt that this was needed to be said. Report me. Block me. Whatever.

Thank you all again!

Im glad you guys enjoy my blog. Thank you to the people who said I was a talented writer. And please give me more feedback about my blog and what to write! Thanks



Another DC destroyer

We always usually get trolls that come to stop DC in its tracks. Well another one strikes again! His/her's name is DCDeleter and they have came to stop us with there blog. ( They have came to stop DC and get many people deleted because they hate DC. Now of course the noobs get pissed off when they see the blog and topic. So they cuss the troll out by saying "Fluff you b!ch". I PMSL'd when I saw that. Others tried to act cool by saying "/facepalm/"or "Cool story bro". Then there were the few who actually stood up for a change and agreed with most of what the troll said in the blog. I agree with most of what the troll said too. The roleplayers are desperate. Most of the populars are bitches. Yall already know I hate ass kissers. And the wannabes are exactly the way she described. Tbh I could care less about any of this. Ive been reported 7 times. Plus I have a back up account. So im good.



I've been doing pretty good on this blog!

I've gotten a lot of compliments from it. Even the blogging queen herself (Miss StardollGossip.) said she liked it too. Thank you everyone! &hearts;



I'm not here to spare feelings

Im here to tell the drama of DC while still keeping it real. And like I said in my intro post: If you get offended. Leave. Idgaf.  So please stop saying you got slammed Cleo. It wasnt a slam. Only the truth. The truth everyone was afraid to say and even if ppl did say it you didnt listen.



What should i talk about in my DC blog?

You decide!Comment and whichever one I like I will choose to write about.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Haters in tha building

Dont we all have someone in DC that gets under your skin. You dislike them very much. Well that has been happening a lot in DC. A lot of us are getting fed up with others here. Hell, even I dislike people here. But some people are now even saying that they hate specific people in the club. Tbqh, I think thats very stupid. I dont think its possible to hate someone over the Internet. Seeming that you barely know that person. One person even said they would hunt them down and skin them alive. Really? Is this what virtuality has come to? Reality. Sad...

Btw to all you rude bitches out there who think they can be rude and dislike anyone without karma hitting you back: You guys need to get a reality check. Just because these people on here could care less doesnt mean you have a right to go out and treat society like that.  Most people in the world dont take crap from people like you. You believe you know everything but yet you dont. You guys are still minors or children. So stop trying to act like an adult. You fail at it. Horribly.

Need writers

If you wanna be a writer all you have to do is F/R me your email

Ass kissers.

We all have those people in the club who are unknown and ignored. They dont know how to make their mark in DC so they ass kiss the populars. Now before I start I wanna just say that yes there ARE populars in DC. Dont be shocked. You all know who some, most or all of them are. Anyways, these "ass kissers" try to mosey their way into a popular's good side by:

1. Stalking their topics
2. Laugh or participate in their unfunny jokes  (Trust me, some of the jokes arent funny)
3. Complimenting them daily on there medol (its pixels people)
4. Being their shoulder to cry on
5. Making special topics for just them to talk (Ex; /insert populars name/ and /ass kissers name/

There's more but you understand the point im trying to come across at. They really try to act like BFF when at the end of the day they dont give a shit about them whatsoever. They wanna make it to the top.

Now the most notable ass kisser is Cleo (MegaMe4Ever). To the most notable person known for having the most ass kissers: EMILEE! Except this chick was obsessive. I understand they were "BFFs", but really. I have nothing against Cleo. I like her, but shes better off by solo. The only thing is that she can barely stand on her own two feet without her. Shes getting better though. Progress is key.

Yes Kreayshawn is my background

I love her to death.


First off I would like to congragulate StardollGossip on her awesome blog. Well done! Now down to business. Okay so recently StardollGossip announced she will be leaving and she will have one final slam. So this bitch does an wanna be CG move and begged like crazy. Ive seen her ask StardollGossip multiple times to slam her. Its desperate as fuck. So SG just decided to make the blog knowing this chick would annoy her if she didnt. Well she was wrong. Kittyhero was not only bugging SG about it but COMPLAINING about it. This bitch got some nerve to complain. Thats like begging for a gift you wanted then complaining about it to the giver in the first place. Not only is it stupid, but its disrespectful. Just be happy you got slammed honey. Cause youre 15 minutes of fame will be over pretty soon.


Jeremiah drama. AGAIN!

Now it seems as if every week there is someone out to get Jeremiah. Why? IDK. But today we got someone else. A girl came to DC saying that Jeremiah lied about his profile pics and tbh if you refuse to believe that well then youre just not very smart. She showed us the actual pics of him and immediately people called him fugly. Thats a shame. You guys obsessed over him at first. What changed your mind? I actually thought he was cute, but to each its own. Here are the photos:

The 3rd one creeps me the hell out. Seriously.
Now that I know what he looks like I have no idea what to believe now. He claims to be mixed, but as a person of color. I refuse to believe that. Unless his mom is light skinned. Plus, he said he is 15. He looks 18-21 to me. I am fuzzled in the brain and have no other comments to say, but to all the nay sayers believing those pics: I TOLD YOU SO


Sponsored clubs

Stardoll has been having sponsored clubs for a very long time. Usually to promote movies, books or whatever. They stay for about a month or two then disappear into some Internet land fill. Lately that has changed. But will it stay?...

Dove Club Go Fresh is probably the longest latsting sponsored club in Stardoll history. But we have been getting a lot more. Including, Five Star, Rebecca BonBon, and Disney Fahion Lounge. They might not stay long, but Stardoll is as predictable as Texas weather. You never know what might happen next. So dont get your panties in a twist. Just sit back and watch what unfolds.


Ello I am Brooke (Venus87). This isnt a hate blog. Just a truth blog. If you feel offended then leave. Idgaf. So yep. Enjoy!