Monday, August 15, 2011

Ass kissers.

We all have those people in the club who are unknown and ignored. They dont know how to make their mark in DC so they ass kiss the populars. Now before I start I wanna just say that yes there ARE populars in DC. Dont be shocked. You all know who some, most or all of them are. Anyways, these "ass kissers" try to mosey their way into a popular's good side by:

1. Stalking their topics
2. Laugh or participate in their unfunny jokes  (Trust me, some of the jokes arent funny)
3. Complimenting them daily on there medol (its pixels people)
4. Being their shoulder to cry on
5. Making special topics for just them to talk (Ex; /insert populars name/ and /ass kissers name/

There's more but you understand the point im trying to come across at. They really try to act like BFF when at the end of the day they dont give a shit about them whatsoever. They wanna make it to the top.

Now the most notable ass kisser is Cleo (MegaMe4Ever). To the most notable person known for having the most ass kissers: EMILEE! Except this chick was obsessive. I understand they were "BFFs", but really. I have nothing against Cleo. I like her, but shes better off by solo. The only thing is that she can barely stand on her own two feet without her. Shes getting better though. Progress is key.

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