Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is DC coming to a close?

Many people have been saying that DC will be deleted in just a matter of weeks because of the new sponsored clubs. Like Rebecca Bonbon (ew), Monte Carlo (dead to everyone), and Disney Lounge (ugh wtf?). But is that the only thing that will stop DC in its tracks....?

So lately a person by the name of  DCDestroyer came to try to ban us all. You know the story. So this chick is deleting us and boasting about herself in her blog: . First of all this bitch needs to get off her fuckin high horse and stop acting like shes awesome and shit. She hates us really badly. But yet she cant get on her real account and just tell us she despises us very much. I would like that a lot better. Second of all, she needs to stop acting all innocent like she did nothing and its all our faults. You're banning people for being bitches yet you're acting like one towards us. Interesting... Lastly, she just needs to get a fuckin life. Torturing people on the Internet is just a sad, pathetic cry for attention. She bans peoples posts. Wow... don't you have friends to go play with? Get a job, friends, whatever the fuck that can you keep you unoccupied from this load of bull shit.

We have no idea who she is. SG thought it was Orchid for very good reasons. Tori896 (sp?) thought it was StayingPenelopy, and some other weird ass chick thought it was Maci or Emma. This chick could even be someone outside of DC only trying to ruin us. Whoever it is, we all need to make back up accounts. Just in Case. Mines: SuchAnEpicFail



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