Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Comment below what you would like for us to discuss in a post for tomorrow.


Kindly said...
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HarajukuBarbie said...
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Kindly said...

Oh wait, not kittyhero. that frexxykitty kat girl.

Kindly said...

Whats with little girls and cats these days? smh

Anonymous said...

Write about FrexyKitKat -.- I don't like her. At all.

Kindly said...

Yea, I mean FrexyKitKatt. She said shit about ,my blog. not kitty hero

Bailee said...

You guys know that FrexyKitKat is a writer here? Right?

Bailee said...

I say, let's discuss hunterluv200 or whatever the fuck her name is.

Kindly said...

Too late, I already was planning to write aotu her like an hour ago. Plus who cares if shes a writer, write about her cuz shes a bitch -.-

Lunaaa xDD said...

Lyk rite bouterz me n den im gonz hat3 on uu.

movingon said...

Umm hello I write here. Actually ur bog sucks. I have a right to my opinion so shut the he'll up. I'd like to see what you wrote about me. That outta be interesting. Brooke likes me you idiot. Wow

movingon said...

Lol. I love how I'm hated. I have a feeling not many people know who I am and just listen to the few people who hate me. Way to follow the crowd guys.