Saturday, October 15, 2011


Well, it seems Tiffany's (aka StardollGossip.) good looks are fake. It turns out that she used pictures from a model named Meggy Grace D'Arcy. And do you know who pointed this out? None other than Ivontka (aka Madi). Well, I really don't know how to explain it. Here, this is SG's Dailybooth:
And here's the pictures from Madi's topic:
If you compare the two, pictures from SG's Dailybooth are the EXACT ones from Madi's Tinypic pictures. I'm Tiffany's friend and all, but I'm shocked by this. Honestly, when I looked at the pictures, my heart stopped. I really don't know what to say, but yeah.

P.S: Here's Madi's topic about it:
P.P.S: SG lied about being pregnant and admitted that the photos were fake, just so that we would fall for it. Here's the topic:

Monday, October 10, 2011


It is about awkwardness and stuff. It'll be good trust me! I will keep on with this blog so dont fret



Taco Bell Saves Lives







Copyright © 2011 Ragestache

Do you guys dislike Maci/Emma?Bell/whatever the fuck your name is ?

Because a lot of yall stick up for her and act all buddy-buddy with her but yesterday Hannah (pumpkinpie9x8x) said she didnt like he and I saw the true colors of some of yall. 98% of yall were agreeing with Hannah and stuff but usually I see Maci always having some back up on her. Not this time. So if you dislike someone but dont feel the need to say it thats fine. But dont act all buddy-buddy with the bitch.



Sunday, October 9, 2011

Can you feel the HATE tonight?

DC started out as a normal quiet Sunday evening until Lucy came. Now I am not getting mad at Lucy for this shit but it is what is. So Lucy came and made a topic wondering how many people hated her after she posted who she hated a while back. I asked Lucy who ad why she hated them but she wanted to keep her mouth closed this time so I just let it go. But then one girl she hated set her over the edge in this topic:  (If you need help figuring out who it is, its the bitchiest one out of all of them)

If you observe you see Lucy is doing her best trying to keep cool but then she blows her top off in this topic right here:

Everybody was really happy that Lucy did that to Katy (Arizona199) cause frankly no one liked the bitch. Then it kinda got outta hand. People decided they werent gonna stand for Katy's bitchiness and that she had to go. Well she eventually did. To be honest, I kinda felt sorry for the bitch once all the topics were about her and slamming her cause no one really deserves ALL of that. Then one hate topic was just too much and showed us that this needed to stop

Jazzy's topic:

Now when I saw this topic I just couldnt believe it. This girl has the nerve to say everyone hates Katy when she isnt very liked that much herself. I mean what has she done to you. NOTHING! So just back off. By that point Katy knew it was time to go and did the best thing and left. So the lesson for today is to not be a bbitch or you'll get severly hated. :)




Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well, it turns out that DeleteDC was torri896 this whole time. According to LindsyLady1999, Emma (maci_123) told her that Torri was DeleteDC and that she had held it back this whole time. I honestly think she might be lying this whole time, but who knows? Torri logged out right before this happened, so do you think anything's fishy with that? Keep on thinking, bloggers.

P.S: Here's the topic:

I like these graphics that Maddie is making.

This is the graphic Maddie made me. I really like it, alot. Her graphic blog is: You can ask her for one there or in DC or in her GB.


Pregnant lies.

So lately people of DC have been saying that they are pregnant. Now what the fuck? You bitches are like 13-16 years old. Having sex. Some of yall arent even saying your pregnant, just saying your doing it. Did we need to know that? Last time I checked I really could care less about the poor choices you have made and I dont appreciate you flaunting it in my face like a piece of meat. The girls who say they are pregnant are saying it like its nothing. Theyre happy. Fuck off bitch. You know im talking about you. I doubt youre even pregnant because most pregnant girls get kicked out or yelled at by their parents. But you sitting up here saying its a joy and the whole world is on your side is a lie. Fudge...



Battle of the Bitches: Nicki vs Kennedi (Part 2)

So as you previously heard about the battle that started between Nicki and Kennedi but heres when the war started:

After at least 3 pages of hate, crying and blood Nicki pushed it over the edge when she revealed Kennedi's shameful secret: She cuts. Now I know some people might have think that Nicki was trying to help Kennedi but really? I know Nicki and she did it to make Kennedi mad just so she could "reveal" how Kennedi  REALLY is. Now in all fairness I dont think Nicki shouldve did that. I mean its her secret not yours so just shut up. Then Nicki has the nerve to make topic saying IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN!! Bitch shut the fuck up. The shit aint that funny. By that time she was gettiing on everyone's nerve and it was just time for the bitch to leave. Maybe she should die. JK



Battle of the Bitches: Nicki vs Kennedi (Part 1)

Okay so the battle started last night when Nicki brought back up Kennedi's topic about her confessing about not being pregnant. Kennedi got mad and told Nicki to die. Now before I start I would just like to remind you that KENNEDI said THIS. Bitch what the absolute fuck? I mean you overreacted when Ava told her to die. Now you tell others to die. Smfh. I dont really see why Kennedi got mad about her boosting the topic. Oh wait, I forgot that Nicki also called her like a whore or something in the topic. But still, dont over react about it. She then called Nicki a backstabbing bitch and started to cry. REALLY?! Come on Kennedi, its not that big of an issue. I dont even know how this shit started. Fuck that cause this is just getting me all worked up



Yo bitches

Im back to bring you guys my rants and posts about DC. Im so glad I can now because my stupid ass pass couldnt be found but i found it now so STAY TUNED!



Wednesday, October 5, 2011


It turns out that MegaMe4ever, a.k.a Cleo, has been Alexa this whole time. This shocked and furiated many, including SG, Claire, Paulina, Caroline, and myself. The person who busted Cleo out was CookiessCream, a.k.a Jalyssa. She said "she couldn't handle it anymore" in a topic she made. Just_Boo was one of Cleo's troll accounts, so Just_Boo was Cleo this whole time. Cleo, it was good while it lasted, but I guess either the poser, the post about me, or the post about the poser and the fact you thought Chloe was the poser, set DC off into a mad fury. If you think Jalyssa did the wrong thing, actually she didn't. She did the right thing and mad Cleo grow a pair and own up to being "Alexa". After all of this drama, everyone started making confessions, and one caught everyone's eye: The confession that Kennedi was lying about the whole pregnancy thing. She said that " I got bored and did it. Cleo, no i didnt just have my first Boyfirend, i had my first kiss august 7,2011. I am not a sḷut like that.. Honestly if you knew me in real i'd be spazzing out and like , not proud and stuff.. ANyways.. i know ya'll hate me now. i can just tell it's commin go ahead and say what you want. I'll listen." which spawned a short-lived fight with Emilee. So, tonight & the next few days, DC won't be the same.

P.S: Here's the topic about Kennedi:
and the topic about Cleo:       

Oh. My. God.

Well, we just learned last night that Tiffany (a.k.a Stardoll Gossip) is possibly pregnant. She said that she had taken a test, and it came back positive. But when many people kept on asking if she was positive, she said she was going to take another test, but that she was 99.9% sure that she was indeed carrying her ex's child. And when gingertoontown (the bitch everyone hates) said "Theres this thing called protection." SG responded by saying "There's this thing called it breaking." SG, I really hope your aren't trying to fuck with DC, because if you do, you'll end up like Emilee and Chloe. But if you aren't, I hope, wait, I know that kid isn't gonna be ugly, it's gonna be prettier than shit. I hope that you aren't pregnant, but if you are, then congratulations on the baby.

P.S: Here's the topic in which she reveals she's pregnant:

Monday, October 3, 2011

So, My Guess About Alexa Was Wrong,

But who gives a shit anyways? I think I may have fount out who it is, just by reading one of Juju's blog posts. The same old [Blank Blank], eh? I'm on your case, Alexa, and like I said in the last post, right now, I really don't give a shit if you slam me or not.

P.S: This is what Juju said to make me think it is who I think it is: No offense to her, but I wasn't THAT surprised. She thought I would think different of her or something, but she's just the same old [BLANKITY BLANK] to me.
After reading this, one person comes into your mind, huh?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Alexa, Alexa, Alexa

Honestly, I think you are trying to copy SG. Saying she's soft? Lawl, like I haven't seen that a million times already. And saying she's a cruel bitch cause she talks about other people? Hypocrite alert. Face it, the only reason why you're getting hype in DC is because everyone's talking about your oh-so great slams and trying to figure out who you are. Actually, I've seen better. And you think no one knows who you are? Well, everybody's catching on, hun. I've got a suspicition too, and I'll say it right here, right now. I know gingertoontown is you. Trust me, the only great slam blogger will be SG. And I really don't give a crap if you slam me cause it's just the Internet and I've had more major drama go on this week than DC sees in a whole month.
PS: And here's the reason why I think gingertoontown is you: