Monday, July 30, 2012

prettygirl56610 drama

Okay so lately there has been drama involving a girl named prettygirl56610 and her little antics. From her saying the club is gonna get deleted to her mild obsession with Katy Perry. And now I am going to give my opinion. WARNING: If you are worried or dont wanna read my bullshit then please click the exit button. If you are confused where that is then head over to Google Maps.

prettygirl: You are one crazy ass child. You are a great person generally but you are very naive. I think you need to grow up considering you are Bailey and a lot of people in the club's age and you still act like a kindergartner. Also stop being so gullible and thinking everyone has/can be your friend. Because even on the Internet that is not the case. No one cyberbullies you in DC. Idgaf what Sawyer or anyone else who disagrees says. Theyre wrong. Let's put you in OC for a day and see what happens. They are 10x worse than we are. Emma, Bailey, Lissi, Violet, Cass, Maddi, etc. just dont like you very much. You need to grow up and realize that. Also stop taking everything seriously. Just because Emma and Violet showed their undershirts or whatever does not mean we are turning into OC.

people who like prettygirl: I understand that you like her but stop being so rude to the ones who dont. Because they arent rude to you.

people who dont like prettygirl: I understand you dont like her but stop telling everyone every two seconds.

Sawyer: I understand thats your "bff" as you say but stop always defending her. I have never seen you defend anyone in DC so much. She's 12 she can defend herself pretty well and you helping her makes it worse. I know you dont see it that way but everyone else does. They just havent said it. You should stop defending her so much. When you do that she starts to think that everyone will stop messing with her because you jump down our throats about it. So she does whatever the fuck she wants because she knows in the end you will defend her and everything chills down. She also finds you to be the ruler of DC which pisses everyone off. I think you should set her straight, because its not even a bff relationship. More like mother and over attached daughter

Bailey: I dont think you should let anyone effect your decision about prettygirl and banning. Its your decision your club and once you make your decision everyone should get the fuck over it. If they have a problem they can leave which I know they wont cause its too much of a hassle.

EDIT; Bailey is not owner anymore because the club was deleted but this does not exempt the whole prettygirl situation. This is now for Karma now.

Well thats it you basic bitches I hope you enjoyed my rant. Im kinda mad cause its early in the morning and Im at my mom's highschool just typing about some shit that pisses me the fuck off.




Anonymous said...

Hiiiii uhhhm this is PG and I really need to try to toughen up. Maybe I'll try to defend myself or something.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I shouldn't be a brat anymore in this club... I'm sorry for all the past drama I've caused and maybe you guys wanna forgive me..