Wednesday, April 23, 2014


look, i know no one reads this blog anymore, but i'm just posting to reflect on myself.

reading through here makes me cringe because dang i used to have the worst writing ways possibly. like my subject matter and the stuff i used to say... just wtf? how did brooke let me post that shit and let me get away with letting myself think it was cool?

then again, we're talking about 2012 here. so, a 13 year old bailee basically got away with anything stupid. i mean, everyone did in 2012.

either way, my posts are still ridiculous as fuck, and i probably should've carried myself better with them than to try and add in my own little comments and what-not.

god i want to kill my 2012 self badly. i've already erased her from social media, i just can't erase her from this blog, because then DC history would be gone, and personally, i'd like to perserve that history.

i have no idea why it's taken me this long to say something about it, or why i'm even saying anything about it in the first place when i'm 100% no one gives a shit, but i've just had it on my mind since i'll be turning 15 in two weeks. it's made me do a lot of thinking, so that's why this post was born.

overall, this blog is a piece of history for us few dc'ers that are left as of april 23rd, 2014, and i apologize for being a shitty, 13 year old writer.
btw this blog basically gave me my chance in dc, and look where i am now.


ok bye.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

I decide to change it again

Just for anyone who actually still comes on here and just looks. I added The Most Popular Girls Youtube channel so you should watch it.



Monday, July 30, 2012

SD just loves us DC bitches.

If you couldn't tell, the title was sarcasm.
So this morning, more like 1:30 in the afternoon, I woke up to my phone vibrating underneath my pillow. I thought it was just the usual texts from the usual person, but I unlocked my phone and discovered my phone was buzzing from different notifications.

(I'm subscribed to Violet's statuses lol)
(and yes I know I just took these no h8 pls)
I hop up from my bed really quick and get on Stardoll. I checked my mail, and it sent me the same message Sawyer got when her club was deleted. I deleted the message though, so there's no screenshot for that. I also got two messages from Veronica and Prettygirl.
plus, three or so guestbook comments
Honestly, after the whole old men jacking off on TC fiasco that happened yesterday, I had a feeling we were going to get deleted, and especially after I saw these in DC_Backup last night
I then went to Karma4Cake and checked out what was going on. I saw this lovely topic made by our lovely little information carrier named Prettygirl
Then, for a good hour or so, Emma and I talked on Facebook about what was happening. Nothing important really lol.
Emma just recently made a topic saying after she messaged SD, they deleted her NEW backup, LLookPurtty.
Now hold the fuck up Stardoll, that's pretty fucking shady of you for you to pull shit like that. You guys up in SD Staff be acting like you're 13 years old, and that you're dealing with petty high school shit.
Back to the story.
Then, Emma made this topic

So, how do you feel about all of this deletion stuff?
Until next time,


PS; sorry about all the screenshots lol.

DC got deleted AGAIN

So now we are in Karma's club. Fuck it

Btw I changed the playlist

I put in Skrillex, OF, and Frank Ocean. If you need me to put in more just put it in the comment box. I probably will give my pass for my mixpod account to Bailey since Im gonna be gone for a while but still making posts hopefully



prettygirl56610 drama

Okay so lately there has been drama involving a girl named prettygirl56610 and her little antics. From her saying the club is gonna get deleted to her mild obsession with Katy Perry. And now I am going to give my opinion. WARNING: If you are worried or dont wanna read my bullshit then please click the exit button. If you are confused where that is then head over to Google Maps.

prettygirl: You are one crazy ass child. You are a great person generally but you are very naive. I think you need to grow up considering you are Bailey and a lot of people in the club's age and you still act like a kindergartner. Also stop being so gullible and thinking everyone has/can be your friend. Because even on the Internet that is not the case. No one cyberbullies you in DC. Idgaf what Sawyer or anyone else who disagrees says. Theyre wrong. Let's put you in OC for a day and see what happens. They are 10x worse than we are. Emma, Bailey, Lissi, Violet, Cass, Maddi, etc. just dont like you very much. You need to grow up and realize that. Also stop taking everything seriously. Just because Emma and Violet showed their undershirts or whatever does not mean we are turning into OC.

people who like prettygirl: I understand that you like her but stop being so rude to the ones who dont. Because they arent rude to you.

people who dont like prettygirl: I understand you dont like her but stop telling everyone every two seconds.

Sawyer: I understand thats your "bff" as you say but stop always defending her. I have never seen you defend anyone in DC so much. She's 12 she can defend herself pretty well and you helping her makes it worse. I know you dont see it that way but everyone else does. They just havent said it. You should stop defending her so much. When you do that she starts to think that everyone will stop messing with her because you jump down our throats about it. So she does whatever the fuck she wants because she knows in the end you will defend her and everything chills down. She also finds you to be the ruler of DC which pisses everyone off. I think you should set her straight, because its not even a bff relationship. More like mother and over attached daughter

Bailey: I dont think you should let anyone effect your decision about prettygirl and banning. Its your decision your club and once you make your decision everyone should get the fuck over it. If they have a problem they can leave which I know they wont cause its too much of a hassle.

EDIT; Bailey is not owner anymore because the club was deleted but this does not exempt the whole prettygirl situation. This is now for Karma now.

Well thats it you basic bitches I hope you enjoyed my rant. Im kinda mad cause its early in the morning and Im at my mom's highschool just typing about some shit that pisses me the fuck off.



Thursday, June 21, 2012

MH Invasion and Kindly's BACK

It was either yesterday or the day before (lol I don't remember), DC decided to pay MH (Monster High, for you all that don't know c:) a visit because we were bored.
And instead of having fun (well we were for the least), all hell broke loose.
The MH'ers accused us of 'trolling', which triggered some of us (including myself) to explain the actual definition of trolling.
Then an MH'er decided to enter DC_Ftw and try to 'troll' us back.
I just ended up banning her tbh.
The 'war' (as what MH'ers called it) was still going on early this morning, but by the afternoon, both DC and MH 'signed' a treaty saying that if either of our clubs get deleted, the other would give out a helping hand.
and that's how that ended.

And like it says in the title, Kindly, the girl known for having a slam blog (she no longer slams, but her blog is if you wanna check it out) is back in DC. Here's a screenshot below:
(click to enlarge)
So, how do you feel about Kindly being back?
Personally, I'm glad, I really liked Kindly when she was here.

I seriously need a new signature or some shit,