Thursday, June 21, 2012

MH Invasion and Kindly's BACK

It was either yesterday or the day before (lol I don't remember), DC decided to pay MH (Monster High, for you all that don't know c:) a visit because we were bored.
And instead of having fun (well we were for the least), all hell broke loose.
The MH'ers accused us of 'trolling', which triggered some of us (including myself) to explain the actual definition of trolling.
Then an MH'er decided to enter DC_Ftw and try to 'troll' us back.
I just ended up banning her tbh.
The 'war' (as what MH'ers called it) was still going on early this morning, but by the afternoon, both DC and MH 'signed' a treaty saying that if either of our clubs get deleted, the other would give out a helping hand.
and that's how that ended.

And like it says in the title, Kindly, the girl known for having a slam blog (she no longer slams, but her blog is if you wanna check it out) is back in DC. Here's a screenshot below:
(click to enlarge)
So, how do you feel about Kindly being back?
Personally, I'm glad, I really liked Kindly when she was here.

I seriously need a new signature or some shit,

Saturday, June 9, 2012

So, let's catch up.

A lot of things have went on since the last time I've posted, but the biggest thing was one that happened recently.
That was Sawyer stepping down as owner of DC, and that she was leaving.
It all happened a week or so ago, when Sawyer made a topic (this topic is no longer up) saying that she was sorry for not being on all the time, not having an active club, etc.
Then, she went on, and said that she didn't like any of us, and that we all should get lives.
At first, many, including myself, agreed with what she said, but then we read it over.
The topic started a wildfire of drama, and then shortly afterwards, I got a chat from Sawyer saying (this is not exact, this is just what I remember of it) 'Hi Bailey! How would you like being the new owner of DC?' I said yes, and then I asked 'Wait how are we going to do this?' and she told me she was going to delete her account, which would delete the club, and I'd have to make a new club.
I did that, and I messaged the members that weren't on (which was about fifty of you) about it.
But then, the day after, Lissi and I were talking about it on chat, and then later that night Lissi, Cleo, and I TCed. We had a plan, and that was to get Sawyer to make me manager of the club, and she just leave her account open. I messaged Sawyer about it, and instead of replying in a message, she replied to me in a topic (which is pictured below):
She wasn't going to give it up, but then more people kept asking her to just make me manager. Then finally a day before DC_Ftw was supposed to be deleted, I got this chat (this is the EXACT chat too): 
sawlly_cool So.
JunoGirl16 So...
sawlly_cool After constant bothering, I think I chose to do something different.
You can choose, if you want.
I can either delete the club, go with the plan
What do you say.
JunoGirl16 I didn't get the second option :c
sawlly_cool Oh
Option two ;
Do what everyone says and make you manager, I leave SD, and you rule dc_FTW.
JunoGirl16 I say option two. It's easier for everyone.sawlly_cool Now i sound like a jerk.
Cause i said this.
Now im doing that.
How about, Saturday morning announcement?
JunoGirl16 Uh, morning would be best, I'll be doing stuff all day tomorrow
sawlly_cool Delete first spot topic, make a new one, and then.. Leave it to you? :L
JunoGirl16 I guess so.
Then Sawyer made a topic saying that I was new manager and all (that topic is no longer available), and so now I'm the new owner of DC.
And that's all for now.


Hey there c:

It's Bailey, and I'm coming back and posting along with Brooke.
Can't wait c:



Like my new template?

Poem for Sawyer

So incredibly cool
Awesome and amazing
Weird- in a good way
Young, wild, and free
Exotic you can never find anyone like her
Respectful towards everyone




Well yes Im back

I will be here making new posts because I have no life loljk. So yeah I will be making new posts about the daily happenings of DC. And remember its not slams just the truth so dont come in easily ofended if I say something shocking.

