Wednesday, April 23, 2014


look, i know no one reads this blog anymore, but i'm just posting to reflect on myself.

reading through here makes me cringe because dang i used to have the worst writing ways possibly. like my subject matter and the stuff i used to say... just wtf? how did brooke let me post that shit and let me get away with letting myself think it was cool?

then again, we're talking about 2012 here. so, a 13 year old bailee basically got away with anything stupid. i mean, everyone did in 2012.

either way, my posts are still ridiculous as fuck, and i probably should've carried myself better with them than to try and add in my own little comments and what-not.

god i want to kill my 2012 self badly. i've already erased her from social media, i just can't erase her from this blog, because then DC history would be gone, and personally, i'd like to perserve that history.

i have no idea why it's taken me this long to say something about it, or why i'm even saying anything about it in the first place when i'm 100% no one gives a shit, but i've just had it on my mind since i'll be turning 15 in two weeks. it's made me do a lot of thinking, so that's why this post was born.

overall, this blog is a piece of history for us few dc'ers that are left as of april 23rd, 2014, and i apologize for being a shitty, 13 year old writer.
btw this blog basically gave me my chance in dc, and look where i am now.


ok bye.
