Friday, December 30, 2011

Sierra Drama Part 2

So, a little after the drama calmed down and everyone started to act normal. Then the worst happened: "Sierra's mom" came. Now why would her mom come telling US- a bunch 11 to 16 year olds- that she was in the hospital. Like why arent you with your daughter? As the nosey people we are, we went and spit out more questions than the crazy white detective on Law and Order: Criminal Intent.  She had the worst answers and excuses ever. I mean what mom brings a computer to the hospital while their child is dying. Seriously? By that time DC finally got some sense into that thing the call a noggin and realized she was faking. Sierra then comes acting like shes all shaky typike llllikk thiiissssss. It was so fake. Even Maureen (which i love for doing this) put the fail whale on her. LMFAO. Turns out Nicki's Sierra Plan was very accurate. She "dies". Pretends to be a mom. Admits she lied. Gets loved. Its all working out and yall are too blind to see it Sad....

Tell me what you think about the situation. Leave a comment or post in my NEW POST IN MAH BLOG topics.



Sierra drama Part 1

Today has been like having a real life soap opera, but Imma cut too the chase okay. So, earlier on new Years Eve Eve Kitty and a bunch of us were talking about old DC. Then somehow Sierra (Jazzysbackup) was like lets bring old DC back. Then Nicki told her she has no idea what old DC is like and she needs to shut up. Now Nicki was right to say that. Sierra was not apart of old DC. Trust me WE ALL KNEW THAT! So she flips out starts acting like a baby at their first sleepover and cries cries cries. Everyone is like just ignore her its not worth killing yourself. But its too latte shes already gone. People start crying and are like "OmG lik I hpe she int deAD". I knew she wasnt dead. How? Because one she has done this before. Two she has also threaten to cut and leave forever. She came back the next day people. Come on now DC. If someone cant even cut themselves,do you think they even have that mental capability to kill themselves? NO. Nicki even said what would happen if she turned out to be faking but yall just wouldnt listen.



                                               PART 2 WILL BE HERE SHORTLY

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jasi drama

Okay so yesterday the typical dram started with Jasi. AGAIN. Now usually people get mad at her for being annoying or a spoiled brat. This time she went to far. So (i don't know that many details of this part so forgive me if I'm wrong) Jasi I guess got voted for worst doll and flipped out with her firetruck and all. Cussing us out and saying that their are uglier dolls. Frankly, I see why she's mad, her mom spent $200 something dollars on this account and thinks she should wing MSW. But we all know that will be when pigs fly and hell freezes over. Everyone is like "OMG calm your tits" but she just keeps on firetruckin. By this point it just gets annoying and she is too. Then shes like "Which Jasi do you want? The nice or mean one". Stop right there. Do you ACTUALLY think this 10 year old spoiled brat can be NICE? I think not. Neither did anyone else. She was getting all pissy saying she was sick of our shit. She said we were mean to her for no reason. Really bitch really? WE WERE MEAN. How bout the time you told that boy his teeth wer "black and yellow"? Or when you laughed at the kid who tripped and fell? Or How you make fun of Jazzy? Do you know how many people you have hurt? And you call yourself a good Christian? Please...

Message to Jasi: 95% of us dont like you. I HIGHLY recommend you leave. It would do us all a favor.



Long time no write

Hey guys well i havent written in a while so Im gonna start back. Im gonna write about the drama in DC and say my opinion about it. Remember its not a slam, just the truth.



Friday, December 2, 2011


There's fresh, new drama in DC.
How fucking fun.
First, it was with Babemarielis, and her new slamblog. Alot of people got slammed, but tbh, they aren't very good, but if it hit a person the wrong way, it'd probably ruin their day.
Next, it was with DarkBites (Ashlee) & Maddy_Rae_99 (Maddy)
Apparently, Ashlee has a friend named Tiffy, and apparently that's what Maddy & Kennedi called Tiffany before she left.
Well, Ashlee preceded to call Maddy a dumbass for her comment and all hell broke loose in a topic that Ashlee made. It's probably the last thing DC needs, but What the hell, we're bored out of our minds and we sometimes need some entertainment.
Lmao, admit it.
Here's a picture of the topic: